Compassionate pet care on the ridge.

Veterinary Partner

Veterinary partner is a trusted and reliable source of information that is available as a learning resource for professionals and pet owners alike. Handouts from VP are frequently sent home by Dr. Bremner as a way of better educating clients on a variety of illnesses and conditions so that we can work together to help your pets be as healthy as they can be. 

American Heartworm Society

The AHS was established in 1974 in an effort to better understand heartworm disease so that they could develop a protocol to help combat infection rates. They offer a variety of learning resources to help educate the general public about the dangers of heartworm disease in our beloved dogs and cats. It is by their recommendation that we require yearly testing of our canine patients. Please check out their website to learn more about ways to prevent infection in your canine companions. 

Companion Animal Parasite Council

CAPC is an organization that tracks parasite infection rates and works to educate pet owners on parasite prevention and safety. Their website has features such as interactive maps of parasite infection rates, articles about how to recognize the symptoms of parasite infection, expert insights on differing topics each month, ways to keep your family safe and much more. 

Pet Poison Control Center

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) is your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. *A consultation fee may apply.

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